Thursday, April 7, 2011

All about Mwah

I am a stay at home mom of 2 beautiful children.  My son, Gracen, is 3 and my daughter, Patience, is 10 months old.  I have been married to my husband, Warren, for six years. .I used to work full time at the corporate headquarters for one of the largest retailers in the world.  I wanted to stay home with my son so badly. I prayed for the Lord to provide a way for me to be able to quit my job to be a homemaker. When my son was 8 months old my prayers were answered. I quit my job and started a daycare in my home. Over the past couple of year I have transitioned into watching kids part-time and crafting on the side.

That brings me to Shelly's Crafting!!

Shelly's Crafting is my outlet! Everyone has something they like to do to help them relax and kind of get away for a little while.  Some of you like to read, write, take a bubble bath, the list goes on! I like to make stuff!!! I always have. But I never thought of it at a way to provide income for the family.  That was until I stumbled across and I had a light bulb moment. Shelly's Crafting was born.

Each item on is handmade by me. I make burp cloths, bibs, clothing, hair bows and I am adding new items often.  I love making custom items for people as well.

I couldn't ask for more. I get to be home with my children and do what I love!!


1 comment:

  1. Shelly we have very similar stories as I worked for another large corporate company in the area and was desperate to stay home with Kellen once he got here :) Your crafts are excellent. You have a true talent. I'm glad to be getting to know you better. This summer we're all gonna have to have some Saturday cook outs. My blog is if you want to follow.
